Another Aftershock in Haiti – 6.2

Haiti has been hit again by another earthquake aftershock measured 6.1 on the Richter scale and was centered about 59 km north-east of Port-au-Prince.  Although there was no threat of tsunami as it was far enough inland, the traumatized people of Haiti again was distress.

The aftershock was felt on around 6:00pm ET.  It again caused panic and disturbance.   As per report,  people fled on their buildings with fear that it could collapse as well.  So far no major damages was reported.

According the US Geological Survey said that the aftershock that just happened are less destructive than the major earthquake that struck a week ago.  The USGS says there are roughly 132 earthquakes a year with a magnitude between 6 and 6.9 and just 17 between 7 and 7.9 and one, on average, of 8.0 or greater. On Monday, a 6.0 quake shook Guatemala. While a 6.1 magnitude earthquake sounds almost as strong as a 7.0 earthquake, the difference of the destructive power between the two is greater than an order of magnitude.