Hardware-Software Development Business Plan

A very Competitive and Sustainable Business involving


Such is the latest Business Plan I formulated for an Entrepreneur in the Philippines.  Quite different and very challenging as my previous works were mostly agriculture in nature.

This business need not long introduction.  Bank and Investors knew that technological innovative business is a potential global money making machine and are both viable and sustainable.  Unlike other business plan, this manuscript is graphically presented for banks’ and investor’s easy reading and analysis of its details pertaining to viability, income potentials and return on investment.

The proponent’s company is  a sole proprietor  since 2005 by a former OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) sub-contracting for a company in Japan with focus on Central Research and Development.

The business mentioned in this business plan is a highly innovative Philippine-based company engaged in the development and assembly of I.C.-based components for a wide range of applications. With an array of highly-competent Japanese and Filipino consultants, it offers product development services and prototyping.

The Entrepreneur is actually my cousin.  He previously worked in a high tech company in Japan and he is into embedded systems programming since 1991 and has brought with him Japan technology in the Philippines.  With this, his company now sub contracts to the company he came from.

The main or core technology of this business is hardware and software development for embedded systems.  All of which involved very high technologies that the owner and his workers possess.  Such is their unique selling proposition and edge for being very competitive and sustainable.  Thus,   very   few   companies can offer what the proponent is offering in Philippines.

The     Entrepreneur is   responsible  for product design, development, integration, and company management of the daily operations. In addition, a team-oriented and customer-focused staff will support the management team, and in-house developers will create and maintain the hardware/software applications and websites requirement.

Products and Services:

This company offer below type of products and services:

1. Programming work

2. Website Building

3. Embedded Systems Programming

4. Window Programming for iPhone/iPad Applications

5. Hardware and Software Development

6. Audio/Video Capture Technology

– Digital Cameras

– Security Cameras

– Satellite Imaging

– Military projects (e.g. missile targeting system)

7. Network Analyzers

8. Digital Oscilloscope

9. Others

This company offers custom-developed P.C. products and network-based applications with room for the following:

Pre-sales product request fulfillment

After-sales product support

Custom network business solution products

Assembly of I.C.-based components for a wide range of applications.

Other related requirement

If any investor is interested, I will gladly introduce him/her to the entrepreneur or I can make the same feasibility study or business plan whatever purposes the investor intends it for.

If given the chance, I desire such kind of business be establish in Singapore but only as proxy office wherein the manufacturing office will be in the Philippines.  Office in Singapore will serve only as trading or sales office.