Holy Week 2010 for Dummies

Palm Sunday:  March 28, 2010

Holy Thursday:  April 1, 2010.

Easter Sunday:  April 4, 2010.

To know more of the Holy Week on a more graphic way, please do watch the film, “The Passion of Christ” as directed by Mel Gibson.

Please do not think that Holy Week is a time for penitense or inflicting of pain in to your self in remembering Christ suffering.  Biblically, God only desire that you accept His Son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and repent on your sin through faith and prayer.  Good works and being religious won’t save you as all man have sinned and fallshort in the eyes of God.  Jesus already paid our sins in the first holy week.  We just have to accept him, that’s all. 

Above image is excerpt from Google images.  As it seems to say, better to be of value and support  the less fortunate and the children than be a hipocritical religious.  Jesus already suffered, died and resurrected.  It is enough.  No need to repeat them.