Mossad on Hot Seat

The assasination of one of Hamas military wing Mahmuh al-Mabhuh that recently happened in Dubai was unexpectedly not that explosive in the news world.  If this happened in the 70’s, Israel will again be in the world headlines in days or weeks as its inteligence agency Mossad are being pinpointed by Dubai Police.   Mahmuh al-Mabhuh was found dead in a Dubai hotel room last month.  It was told that there were five Irish passports that were used by the assasins. There were also six British passports, three French and one German passport used, according to the Dubai police.  This reminds me of the “Bourne Identity” movie series 1, 2 and 3.    To the spectators, such is an action packed thriller story to follow.  But it ain’t a movie and the killings are a reality in this situation.  Furthermore, the issue is too sensitive as the wounds to both Israel and Arab world are deeper and more complex than anyone could imagine.  

Interpol has already issued arrest warrents for 11 people who are accused of killing the Hamas commander that was found to use British, Irish, French and German passports.  As per gathered report, Dubai is pressuring Israel for the Arest of Mossad Chief.   Israel rejected the request as Dubai they say did not provide incriminating proof. 

I could not blame the media why only few wrote stories on such sensitive issues as this. Israel and Dubai surely do its damage control.  It’s just that the recent assination is far damaging from what Israel has been through in the past.  It is because the political and diplomatic context has changed in the last decade.  Furthermore, this may escalate into bigger conflicts and wider persfective. 

To know more about the Mossad, Hamas and the Middle East conflict, kindly click to link below:

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